Rebel's Center of Creativity

Episode 47: Building Trust From 1,000 Miles Away

Working remotely has become the norm for a lot of people, but what about when it comes to overseeing an entire department from 22 hours away? What may feel impossible to some is thrilling for those who thrive on problem-solving. On today's episode of the Rebel Leadership Podcast, Allison Minutillo talks to Vice President of Client Delivery & Technology Solutions David Givens about the importance of trust and building that trust. For David, it’s not always about seeing an individual's impact from a personal perspective, but about how they impact an entire team from within to do more. We take a dive deep into the passion of problem-solving, working on other people’s time, accepting interruptions, building relationships first, and engaging on the regular. While you’ll hear many stories—insights from David’s life as a line cook and learning the importance of leadership from his head chef is moving—what we see from that story are the very core values he instills in his entire team today. So buckle up, get inspired, and prepare to “trash the trash.”