Rebellion Group

Episode 42: Anatomy of a High-Performing Team

June 27, 2022
Episode 42: Anatomy of a High-Performing Team
Rebellion Group
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Rebellion Group
Episode 42: Anatomy of a High-Performing Team
Jun 27, 2022

Teams are incredibly complex to build. To inspire. To coach. To lead. So we decided to take a break from the day to day and reflect back on one of our highest performing teams at Rebel interactive group: new business. 

Bryn Tindall, the CEO & Owner of Rebel Interactive and Joe Martin, the Senior Director of Business Development at Rebel Interactive sit down with me to break down the anatomy of our high performing new business team. Everything from constant feedback to live coaching, communication format and trust, team culture and authenticity  — leaders of all industries can apply the learnings on this episode to whichever team they lead, or aspire to. 

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Teams are incredibly complex to build. To inspire. To coach. To lead. So we decided to take a break from the day to day and reflect back on one of our highest performing teams at Rebel interactive group: new business. 

Bryn Tindall, the CEO & Owner of Rebel Interactive and Joe Martin, the Senior Director of Business Development at Rebel Interactive sit down with me to break down the anatomy of our high performing new business team. Everything from constant feedback to live coaching, communication format and trust, team culture and authenticity  — leaders of all industries can apply the learnings on this episode to whichever team they lead, or aspire to. 

Allison Minutillo  0:04  

The Rebel Leadership Podcast, a refreshing take on Authentic Leadership told through real stories. Let's smash the status quo and change how leaders lead once and for all.

Teams are incredibly complex to build, to inspire, to coach, to lead. So we decided to take a break from the day to day and reflect back on one of our highest performing teams at Rebel Interactive Group. New business. Bryn Tindall he's the CEO and owner of Rebel Interactive Group, and Joe Martin, the Senior Director of Business Development at Rebel, sit down with me to break down the anatomy of our high performing new business team. Everything from constant feedback to live coaching, communication formats and trust, team culture and authenticity. The list goes on. Leaders of all industries can apply the learnings on this episode to whichever team they lead or aspire to lead. Listen, reflect and embrace your next aha moment.

Bryn Tindall  1:11  

You need to be serious.

Allison Minutillo  1:14  

Very serious, this is a very serious podcast.

Joe Martin  1:16  

Not my forte. As you know.

Allison Minutillo  1:21  

So a couple of weeks ago at a big team meeting we tried to uncover a topic that's been very important to us as we build up our agency. And that topic is around how you build a high performing team. And we started to look within our own business to reflect a little bit on places where we've been extremely successful. One of those places has been our new business team. So let's break it down. Give me some reasons why the new business team here is such a high functioning team at its core.

Bryn Tindall  1:55  

I think it begins with communication. I think it it's the constant feedback. I also think it's the - when I say constant feedback, not only internal from myself and Joe and others, but we are given real time feedback when we're talking with our customers 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 times a day, right, they are with their facial expressions with the words they choose they are opting in and opting out of what we say in real time and as we if you're paying attention and we are and we definitely coach the listening, the watching the spoken and the unspoken they are in real time validating concepts or rejecting, you know, ideas and we are documenting, learning, communicating and on the fly shifting what we say as we go but just by watching. So because we're given this real time feedback that's like an acid test you know immediately of concept a or idea way of saying something is going to work or not work. And then we pass that amongst each other really, really fast and adopt the approach. 

Allison Minutillo  3:05  


Bryn Tindall  3:06  

We change the way we say it we change who says it will change the visual that represents it will change the way we tell the story. All of that is evolving as we watch how the content that we're talking about is being consumed and the other thing the team does superduper well, Joe is you know, is if one of us doesn't believe that the story that is being fed is being consumed and processed. The other jumps in and begins to tell it from another point of view and it's it's a bit of a good point, Joe, I want to add to that, you know what I noticed when da da da and and we're explaining it until we feel like okay, we've got mindshare with the with the customer, with the prospect. Now we can move on to the next point. Right. And that's happening in real time. A lot of that is happening when we're in the room. We're looking at each other, you know, going on mute quickly passing information, but it's also happening virtually by the way we share information digitally. So we're on the same page. 

Joe Martin  4:02  

Yeah, the first word, I thought of was trust. So it's trust between us not only outside of the client conversation in terms of sharing thoughts on strategy, execution, timetables, best practices, way to talk about services, solutions. Trust that the client has with us to trust we're able to build in the room because we're real. We're having conversations and it's very natural. You we built the trust over here. So when we're in front of the client, and we have those conversations, they let me jump in. Let me out on that. They believe it and you know, it's all to their benefit. Ultimately. I like what you talked about with respect to the real time feedback we get, what you just described is it's all data input, you know, it's off the page, but that's all data points. So we get we get such a high volume of that where you're in we're processing that data, we're making changes on the fly. So you're not going to read that in a Salesforce report. But you're going to adapt to that based on the conversation you just had. You're gonna then distribute that over here and piggybacking off the trust. You're going to trust that the conversation I had with client X, the learnings I had are things you're going to be able to go immediately and activate and then in distributed over here to the other team players. I also want to add into that that think there is a function of - our team isn't that large. So speed of communication, you're usually hearing from the source, the answer, the feedback, good or bad or whatever it is, you're gonna write from that person. So the speed of communication is critical that you might not get on a larger team, I'd imagine, and then further, you know, if you start to scale that out, and I also just want to talk about the amount of opportunities we're putting in front of ourselves, there's a speed and volume of the client conversation so that data is constantly fed, we're able to build this huge library of that real time data, real time feedback, that, you know, if you start looking at your sales funnel, you're not ready for that kind of piece. You're missing out on that data input, and then you're not as good on the backside.

Allison Minutillo  5:51  

So let's talk about what we do with that data. So we get this these pieces of feedback. Sometimes it's verbal sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's a look, sometimes they look distracted. They look at their phone, they disconnect. There's all sorts of pieces of data that you guys are talking about when it comes to new business calls, the first date. So what do you do from a leadership perspective with that data and how do you use it to coach?

Bryn Tindall  6:17  

I mean, sometimes we are literally coaching points in real time, you know, we'll, we'll go on mute or we'll see it by messaging, say this next. Or make sure you reference x here. And you know, we're watching for this cue. And so that we work this into the conversation, right? There's a level of trust, as Joe said that, you know, we have each other's back with this stuff that there might be seeing something that the other did not. And there's a reason for this information, right. So it's not forced, like you wouldn't go from talking about cars or talking about horses. Right? 

Allison Minutillo  6:39  

Right. They're really listening. 

Bryn Tindall  6:55  

Yeah, it's connected. You said something Joe, of course, it's superduper important when you're talking about this, this we call it sales it really is not sales. We're we are having a conversation and we coach having a conversation. You don't want to feel like you're being sold to and any call you're on with any of our team, what you're basically doing is having a consulting session with us. We are dynamically problem solving together with a little bit of an agenda to move, move the conversation toward the direction of I guess you want one of these hmm, you know, and let's that's going to look like to get you into one of these.

Joe Martin  7:30  

Or even you came to us talking about this, you really wanted it but you actually need this over here. And I'm not saying that that's what we think that you're telling this is what it is. This is what you need the direction you need to go. So I think the concept is want to say it out loud is sort of the chair one chair to first chair second chair approach to having any client facing call. I think we've sort of established as a best practice both on the front end new business side as well as the kind of existing book of business because that active listening skill when you're trying to actively respond to somebody who's trying to provide you that feedback, whether it's good or bad again on the product solution service, they're they're expressing their challenges. How can I how can I achieve the sales goal? How can I do XYZ? You know, you have to be on your toes ready to answer that you might not be hearing some of those other pieces. So having a second chair seating, information, sending you a link to a deliverable that you can reference like that's, that allows you to be dynamic, positive, be the natural, I think, again, has really elevated us as a team and I think that's absolutely worth sort of highlighting.

Allison Minutillo  8:26  

So with this trust and communication behind that, is culture that's because you guys trust and love and respect each other and the whole team does. And it's a really interesting dynamic of people that are not all the same person and they're all from different experience levels and walks of life and ages and genders, all this stuff. So how do you build that team? Where trust just is on display on these calls that are so critical to our business success.

Joe Martin  9:01  

When you're in the trenches with people in a game and you talk about football or you're in a big game and you know you have these chances to prove yourself to your teammate, you have a chance to come in and save them come in and help them and then they do the same to you in front of a client and a high stakes conversation where there's a business development opportunity, whatever it is on the line. You have multiple, multiple chances to go help that person or they help you. So I think you start building up this equity as a good team player. I think we are afforded the opportunity to have a lot of those chances and it just so happens that the team we've built are stepping up into that. Taking that step up is something that we talk about a lot and so even if you join the team and you're not doing it right away, you know we have people who maybe didn't do that or were a little bit hands off. I don't want to be that person now they are you're jumping into they're willing to speak up when otherwise they might they might not in another situation so I think having the cracks at the bat and seeing you're giving yourself an opportunity to be that person, be that support system build that trust, you know, just sets the foundation moving forward.

Bryn Tindall  10:04  

I mean, unlike a lot of other places in the business there is because of the chair one chair to there was a support network built in that allows you to swing for the fences, knowing that if you get it wrong, there's somebody here who can coach back to the point. So it allows, you know, for you to almost like ideate on the fly. Right? And, and not necessarily worry about having to direct the conversation because there's someone here that can add points.

Allison Minutillo  10:29  

It's almost like constant risk reward. Yeah, it's this rush that happens on new business and it's this constant feeling of failure. It's like wins losses wins losses, just like very micro and then macro.

Joe Martin  10:43  

That's exactly yeah, when I'm talking about like I can tell a really I can take a swing and tell it really bad joke and this person was like I'm sorry for it for that, you know, let's let's keep going. So I feel like that's sort of another opportunity there.

Allison Minutillo  10:53  

Well, there's another part of the team culture that is being their authentic self. And we've talked a lot about this from a Rebel Leadership standpoint that until your leaders are there their true selves, people won't feel the ability to be that themselves. And so there's this dynamic on this team where they're seeing you be your true self while you still hold a high bar for them to aspire to. But we joke with them. We laugh with them. We eat cannolis together we're ringing the bell after a big win. We're celebrating the team wins together and laughing at each other, cracking jokes. Like that whole part of it comes through on calls, regardless of which team that you're on.

Bryn Tindall  11:33  

Yeah, I mean, I we encourage it. Right. You know, you'll you'll see in some cases it's I hate to say it's fabricated but you know, I will start a call while I'm waiting for the client to kind of, you know, come in on Zoom and we'll just start talking about, you know, the Yankees and you know, you know, and not that part, but, you know, and so that they hear dialogue going before they come on, right and it forcing it is the wrong word, allowing that. 

Allison Minutillo  12:02  

Yeah, lettting it happen. Not being worried about it.

Bryn Tindall  12:04  

Exactly. So they come in and they just usually just jump in the Yankees who like say, Hey, or you're right what a great game last night.

Joe Martin  12:10  

 You joined a call yesterday and what were we talking about? We're talking remember 

Bryn Tindall  12:13  

There's so many - which call? 

Joe Martin  12:16  

We're on a call yesterday. And you know four panels talking head right? We were all going around the room talking about what we're eating for lunch that day because we're having a late lunch and just what happened we were all shoving food in our mouth right before we started the call and brands like Ah - what did I just join? You know what is going on here? You know once you get a salad and I got leftover rice and then over here I'm doing that and so yeah, so in general. I mean, that's that's a perfect example of that, you know.

Allison Minutillo  12:40  

So what about the honesty and truth side of building a team culture where people feel like they can have the courage to say I don't know what the f*** you're talking about Bryn. Because there have been moments of this where you think they're clear on direction and you've learned hardware where they they're not clear on direction and now they have this comfort zone to say I don't know what you mean, clarify. What role does that play in a high performing team?

Bryn Tindall  13:15  

So we coach this constantly, you know, if you can't coach this in real time, because you're I can't say hey, did you hear what did you understood what I just said there to the prospect and we don't have that we wouldn't do right but right afterwards, we'll talk through the strategy. You know why why did we take that in this direction? You know, and now instead of answering it just sort of coach it out, see if they can tell us why we did it. Or when we talked about said term did were you following that? Right? And this is happening in real time because even if we're not in the same room, we you know, you will message each other and say let's let's zoom, or let's talk real quick, regather. You know, did you see when they said this, we said this? This is the reason we said this. Did you see how they reacted when we said that? Did you watch their face? Did you see this? And everybody is in agreement on this point. Yeah. The real time feedback, Joe, that we keep talking about? It is it is so micro and happening so fast. Just like we're processing information and watching you blamed for not playing or watching or not or not playing I want you smile and I want you swallow. All of this is happening, all of it. And you're watching the engagement do they sit up on their chair do they start to talk you know, all of this is telling a story in terms of how we interact, right? And we coach all of this.

Allison Minutillo  14:31  

It can be taught.

Bryn Tindall  14:31  

Yeah, it's all being

Allison Minutillo  14:32  

It's emotional intelligence. And as long as you're paying attention and you know what to look for. You can build up that EQ like we talked about. There's there's a quick story on the team of a young up and comer in her career, Gabriella, who used to listen to the direction that Bryn was giving her and say, yep, I understand. And then recently, she has flourished because she got the courage to say, Bryn, love you, don't know what the hell you just asked me to do. And because of that, she's actually coaching you as a leader. Because we have to understand when our words are falling on deaf ears or we are not being clear enough based on where they are in their life stage. Maybe they don't understand the concept or we assume that they do. There's a lot of this like two way street feedback that's actually happening that makes that team high performing. 

Joe Martin  15:27  

Well, that goes to the outcomes, which is your original question, what role does that have on a high performing team and its outcomes of maybe you know, you're getting to the end faster, right? You're better able to understand each other in real time more quickly. That also speaks to the trust factor, right? I need to know I don't understand what you're saying. Right? So it's a 

Allison Minutillo  15:44  

And trust that you're not going to put her down. 

Joe Martin  15:46  

Exactly saying that exactly. You'll say in a different way. Whatever that ends up being. You know, the outcome is you get through it faster, you build up this again, credibility with each other, you build up that emotion, that EQ sort of between each other for yourself as well, in terms of how you come across how you're represented, and then again, that lens that then honestly, that experience you just described with Gabriella the next person to come up on the team. Like she's then going to be able to pay that forward be honest with them as well and that again sorts that's a culture builder right there in and of itself.

Bryn Tindall  16:18  

So there was a there was a moment in time you may not remember because what the story she's talking about where she would not tell us what she was thinking so but and it purposely changed. I've purposely changed my approach. I have you remember 

Joe Martin  16:32  

You started sending Tik Toks around. 

Bryn Tindall  16:33  

I think that's exactly what it was, right? We, we actually started. I we started joking with her and making fun, good natured fun of her, you know, and and so, so that she see we weren't looking at her. Yeah, like involving her in the joke. And then she dared to joke back and saw there wasn't a repercussion, and that just like open Pandora's box, right? But it was a lot it was allowing that space to sort of have fun with each other and see that we it wasn't it wasn't likely to we're not being critical. We're not we're not really making fun. We're just joking with each other and allowing her to joke back joke up, you know, without repercussion, change that dynamic with her.

Allison Minutillo  17:16  

It has totally changed who she is. Extremely valid and valuable.

Joe Martin  17:22  

The growth over the last year, year and a half absolutely, yeah, incredible. 

Allison Minutillo  17:25  

And it's just a microcosm of what can be done on any team, no matter what discipline you have at play. Let's talk about the checks and balances that happen on our new business team. Describe some of them from a leadership perspective.

Bryn Tindall  17:44  

Well, let me some of it it goes back to the safety network. You know some of this because it's happening in real time. It's difficult if you say, hey, this sky is blue, and I look outside and it's white. I have to be very careful how I correct you in real time. Some of those things you have to let slide if they're not super important, I'm talking about in real time. There are cases when it is so radically different that you do have to correct it right so that so that you don't disinformation, the customer, so you're right. It was blue earlier today. It looks like the clouds are starting to come in though, which could change the forecast for talent right? But you have to you have to contextualize it so that you back away from the point they made that isn't quite accurate right. Now, obviously, immediately afterwards is my point. You know this the coaching would be good, right? When you said this, that can't be the case. It's for these reasons. I think Joe, you said something earlier, I just want to go back and visit on you know, I'm in the trenches, you're in the trenches, you would be hard pressed to know who is in charge on those calls on on the team? Unless you knew the title, right? I mean, we are interchangeable pieces and parts on the conversations in most cases, right? I take a backseat purposely to surface the talent and I think even that speaks volumes for the faith we have in the team and it's allowed the team to flourish and grow their skills, you know. So I don't know what your thoughts on that are. But

Joe Martin  19:22  

Yeah, no, I agree. It feels very even playing field, you know. And I think we've also in terms of the EQ both internally and externally, we've gotten into a pretty good flow where we're able to level the playing field, so everybody's safe and comfortable to have a conversation even with the client bringing them into that conversation. But also knowing when and identifying ahead of the call when Hey, we're gonna need a title here. You know, you're gonna need to play title on this conversation. So literally calling that out ahead of time really understanding what is going to be the card that needs to play to move the conversation to the next level and that includes maybe we need to bring technical experts subject matter expert in the room to have a conversation we need. 

Bryn Tindall  20:02  

It's a great point. So we haven't you asked about check and balance, you know, I view this as homework, you know, we are prepared. Well prepared for every conversation. We talk about getting prepared. We prepare. We talk about what we prepared, we review what we prepared. We talked about the roles of what's about to happen. We talk about what they might say, and if they say it what we lead with, right? And when you've done something like that, you go into a game to use the sports analogy and you're ready for all eventualities. So nothing surprises you and it takes a little bit of the nerves out of it because you've already seen this situation.

Joe Martin  20:42  

And to demystify what you just described as I felt like in my head, as you were saying, like a lot of meetings, but it wasn't that right. It's a two minute phone call before we jump into the next to be like, Hey, I heard this over here. Let's talk about that really quickly. It's a couple of slacks. You know, in a groupchat before, here's the link that they reference. Here's what we're going to review and here's who's on the call, right? Here's what your responsibilities are just real time quick conversations, but prioritizing that knowledge transfer, get everybody on the same page is really critical. I think that's a muscle we we've also developed.

Bryn Tindall  21:10  

Yeah, there's another element to that, which is sometimes I call it just in time information. You know, there are multiple conversations and multiple people touching prospects and customers and sometimes something is said on a piece of that tree of the conversation you're not on and it's really critical that sometimes it's really critical information that was just shared yesterday that only one person heard that changes the trajectory of what we're about to talk about. And, again, something we've coached up if that little kernel sitting over here and you don't put it into the dynamic of the prep, it changes, it changes everything. And and so we're constantly Is there any latest news? Who had the last conversation? What did they say? Did it change anything from what came before? If there is something we need to rethink what we're about to go talk about

Allison Minutillo  22:01  

And think of the responsibility that puts on leadership? Right, you have to know that it was heard by someone who understands the gravity of that point. That was made, and then they effectively communicate it to the right people who need to know that point. And that those people receive it in the way that they need to receive it as a tool. It is extremely complex part of a high performing team.

Bryn Tindall  22:26  

Yeah, and you know, Joe, right. I'll say what did they say? Right? Not not what do you think they said. What did they say? Play it back. Right? Not like literally like, like repeat what they said they said that? What what did you think that meant? Okay, you know, and then in the context of a conversation then we frame up the approach. Yeah, it's what makes it fun, right, Joe? 

Joe Martin  22:50  


Bryn Tindall  22:51  

That's what makes it interesting.

Joe Martin  22:52  

I'm running out of minutes the amount of calls we're getting to kind of shorten up you know, right before the call. Here's this guy. Gabby, do that. Ya no, it's huge. I think, again, I said it's it becomes a muscle. I think there's a tendency to be like, I got the information. You know, I'm here, I'm gonna come into this call, whatever happens happens, but as you mentioned, you have to get that information out to the other people because there's that that begets the trust factor number one, they're brought into the conversation or they're not. Number two, if there's this perception on the other side of that Zoom call or the other side of the table, where then it's like, you don't have your stuff together, you know, internally, that leads to a lack of trust now from the client side as well. So again, I think that is something that is is built up again, a muscle that you just know, I gotta make sure you have this information. 

Allison Minutillo  23:35  


Joe Martin  23:36  

It is practice. Yeah, that's I was going back to the reps right is this we have a volume of these conferences where we insert ourselves into a lot of conversations, almost wherever possible. So that allows you to again, develop those types of skills at a more rapid pace. 

Bryn Tindall  23:50  

This was going to turn it just one more idea when it doesn't happen. You know, I had a call last week with one of the one on the team and the just because of the speed of things, this call popped up at about 1130. And like, heck is this call about? No prep had occurred. It just slipped through the framework and the process and you're hopping on the call and like, where is this? What and I'm messaging on the side what what are we trying to do here? What are they expecting, because it's impossible to have been able to discern that by just watching their faces, especially when it's virtual. And of course, immediately afterwards, we had a conversation about this, you know, to try to try to understand how it occurred, but you can point you can feel it immediately when you're not been prepared, and the customer knows it too.

Allison Minutillo  24:36  

Well see you picked up on another facet of a high performing team. And that's the role of process. Where process hasn't been brought up one time in this conversation. But it is the drumbeat of what's happening behind the scenes that allows the team to flourish. It's not the forefront its background, that when it's broken, you feel it, but it isn't the core conversation. So describe how process has changed this team.

Joe Martin  25:06  

Yeah, I think we just for a little bit of background within the last you know year, let's call we've we've launched different processes across two different pieces of workflow technologies, you know, Salesforce, Asana. And so there's been a little bit of changed management.

Allison Minutillo  25:22  

A lot. A lot of changed management. 

Joe Martin  25:24  

A lot of changed management, for sure. But again, those platforms have also allowed us to use process in a different way and in different in different ways, multiple different ways to then improve things like communication across not only across our internal team, but across other project teams, right, you know, who are touching a certain certain opportunity have allowed us to again, find some efficiency with getting from point A to point Z with respect to new business development from a deliverable production standpoint. So those presentations, those proposals, everybody kind of knows their role because they're tagged in the right places. They're coming in over here or setting deadlines. Are those deadlines met all the time? Not always. Let's be let's be clear about that. 

Allison Minutillo  26:05  

But think about it. I mean, how fast can you turn out a proposal now because of our process?

Joe Martin  26:10  

Oh, we do same day. We're gonna do it within a couple hours if not even less.

Allison Minutillo  26:13  

The same day. 

Joe Martin  26:13  

Yeah, well, I know. 

Allison Minutillo  26:15  

It's like those are the things that when your starting point is of high quality, and you've got your systems in check. Everybody knows which piece of the puzzle 

Joe Martin  26:26  


Allison Minutillo  26:27  

Is where. How it all connects to the other pieces. Everyone's clear, the expectations are crystal clear. 

Joe Martin  26:33  

I was gonna juxtapose that with the absence of such a system or such a platform, right? You can still get to a deliverable that's over here, but who knows how you got there, right? The team doesn't isn't aware.

Allison Minutillo  26:44  

How do you replicate it?

Joe Martin  26:45  

You can't replicate it, you can't scale it. So systems like that allow you to scale your internal operations from sales and business development standpoint. If you don't think like that, then yeah, you're gonna fall behind like behind your to turn out, not high quality deliverables that probably don't meet the client's expectation because that goes back to the checks and balances chair one chair two, because here's the deliverable over here, but how awful is it to get to the end, and painful was it a second person to come in and be like, that's not what they asked for. 

Bryn Tindall  27:12  

So here's, here's a good example. process in the background, that came out of a fundamental you know, right, you're about to go on leave. Last time you went on leave.

Allison Minutillo  27:25  

Uh oh.

Joe Martin  27:26  

What - this is dirty laundry time? 

Allison Minutillo  27:29  

Yes share it, share the truth.

Joe Martin  27:31  

How about a word from our sponsors.

Bryn Tindall  27:33  

No, I just last time you went on leave. There was some pieces because we didn't have a process right? We didn't talk about you know, unlocking rooms and we didn't talk about sharing contact information on and on and on, you know, and you're gone and all of a sudden these it was just hit us in the face. We don't have a process like this that covers these things. Gathered everybody, talked through this cannot happen this cannot happen. Right? You get one chance in some cases if the customer can't get into the room because we don't have the key to get in the room. Right? It looks ridiculous, right? So think about that conversation from four or five months ago versus the prep that went into this week as you're prepared to leave. 

Joe Martin  28:13  

Yeah, yeah. 

Bryn Tindall  28:14  

Just think about how prepared we are to cover while you're away because of that discussion. Four or five months. 

Joe Martin  28:21  


Allison Minutillo  28:22  

Well it allows you to take time off. 

Joe Martin  28:24  

Well, that too, right. 

Allison Minutillo  28:25  

So you guys worked so hard, and we all deserve that time away. And we all deserve not to be left holding the bag when you're gone. So it's process doesn't have to be forced it is it's meant to solve problems. And I think part of this high performing team mentality is the ability to lean into those hard stuff. Let's talk about when things went wrong. What don't shy away from it. Let's figure out what broke. How can we fix it? Almost everything as a solution? 

Joe Martin  28:52  


Allison Minutillo  28:53  

As long as you have that open and honest discussion. Any final thoughts when it comes to leaders' roles in building and maintaining a high performing high functioning?

Joe Martin  29:12  

Well, I wanted to just call out something that wasn't talked about. And I think it's intentional and I feel it's intentional. I think it's something that separates what we do from every sort of Twitter business influencer and everybody else is like we weren't sitting here talking about you make X amount of touchpoints X amount of calls like KPI driven, you know, hammering against certain activities, right? We talked so much in this conversation about like the why the EQ about culture, about the environment, you're kind of creating, supporting because a lot of those factors, revenue, things like that. A lot of that comes out of this in a very positive and natural and organic way. That's what I feel. When I look around or look at past experiences. You know that it was flipped, and you've got an opposite result. I'm not sitting here saying that's not important. I'm not sitting here saying that, that can't help drive you to a certain place. But I think the approach here is that rebel leadership approach and it is more about creating this environment that again, begets those types of outcomes naturally. I'm curious what you think about that.

Bryn Tindall  30:15  

So, I mean, numbers are important, right? You know, but they're not what we talk about. They are in the background. You know, they're, they're what we look at when everything else is done. What we're focused on is creating an environment and putting people in situations for them to succeed and coaching them up to their upmost top level of performance.

Joe Martin  30:36  

But that's crazy, right? I mean, what you just said right is they're on board. They're in the background and we get there after we do all these other things on a day to day basis. But then you look at what, what is the date? What's the real story show and it's it is success, and it is growth and it has all these things that you otherwise might strive by, like reaching in the dark for this, I gotta hit this metric, and I do this I'm gonna get that and it's, it's it hasn't been

Allison Minutillo  30:56  

It's not the main motivator of people we found. 

Bryn Tindall  30:59  

Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I think again, I'm, I'm focused. We're, we're focused on growth. We're focused on constant improvement. You know, we're focused on you know, I know this is gonna sound a little corny but not even looking at your job like a job. Right? And because when it's done right, it isn't. I have found that if you focus on constantly getting better at everything that you do and all the processes around you, they're all rising. Everything else takes care of itself. 

Joe Martin  31:28  


Bryn Tindall  31:29  

And and so that's where the energy is. It's what's once a month I send you the sales number. And that's it. I don't even look at it from there. 

Allison Minutillo  31:35  


Bryn Tindall  31:36  

I mean, I can't remember the last time I looked at the metrics with you, I'm gonna have a general obviously have a general sense, but it's not what I'm focused on. I can tell by those three calls. I mean, I can tell exactly where it is based on everything else that.

Allison Minutillo  31:51  

Good job coach.

Bryn Tindall  31:53  


Allison Minutillo  31:54  

And you're no longer a rookie. Congrats. 

Joe Martin  31:57  

Thanks, I appreciate that. Thank you. 

Allison Minutillo  31:95  

Thanks for honest convo guys.

The "How" Behind a High-Functioning Team
The Power of Real-Time Feedback
Coaching the Team in Real Time
The Role of Authenticity & Honesty
The Checks and Balances of New Business
The Importance of Internal Process
A Leader's Role in Building a Team